Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The latest...

Our agency's liason has already checked into our case. We are not even into the matching room yet. That's right, we've now been in the review room for 4 months! They will be checking on our case (and a handful of others) weekly to see the progress. At this point the earliest we will be traveling is October. Anyone need boy summer clothes size 9 months? Guangzhou won't even be hot when we get there....


Helena Johnson said...

Hi Guys,
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. This week I have been hit between the eyes again at how fragile and out of control life truly is. Our friends lost their first pregnancy at 18 weeks. They are of course devestated. What a reminder of why our faith is so important, because in the scope of things our lives are so brief compared to eternity. Maybe one day we will understand why some of these things happen, maybe it won't matter, but I am thankful for an eterity where there will be no more pain or tears. Caleb is blessed to have a family praying for him and loving him even if you are not physically with him.

Helena Johnson said...

I meant maybe it won't matter that we understand.