Friday, August 31, 2007

Bad Night, Good Day

As you can guess from my last post, Wednesday night was not my best. After lots of tears, tossing and turning, kids with bad dreams and an overall unrestful night, I woke to fullfill my promise to my kids that we'd go to Kings Dominion. This is the last week that they are open on weekdays so it was now or never. Everything in me did NOT want to go but we packed up anyway and headed out. I gave my kids a pep talk on my physical and emotional condition and they responded. We had a great day at the park! It wasn't too awful hot, there weren't a lot of people there (= no lines!) and my kids were cooperative and flexible. Everyone had to take turns getting to do what they wanted which meant that there were times that everyone had to just sit and wait for someone to get off a ride. It meant that Nathan had to on several occasions stay with the girls while I rode some of the big rides with Jacob. It meant that everyone had to be flexible with what order we did things and where they sat on the ride... You get the idea. There was potential for many a melt down (on their part and mine) but they were just awesome. I told all of them how proud I was of them and they all on their own came to me and thanked me for taking them. As hard as it is, there isn't much more I can do for Caleb than I'm already doing. But I have 4 other kids already here at home and I have to give them the attention they need. So, I continue to plug forward, still praying for my little peanut on the other side of the world and praying and being there for the 4 sitting in my house.

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