Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Day at Home

That sweet smile is starting to show through! Could he be any cuter? (sorry for the dirty bib - I didn't realize it until I posted this picture but it is a cute picture of Caleb :) )
My sweet Sarah!

Ken was busy shuttling the older kids around today while I stayed home with Sarah and Caleb. It was nice to have extra cuddle time with my two little ones. Of course Sarah had to be a diva :) and we caught some of Caleb's first smiles today. We are having a bit of struggle with the eating thing. He is only allowed liquids - no spoons, only what I can squeeze through the nipple of his cleft nurser. The problem is that he will not take anything but his milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast in his bottle. Since his repair is good but very tight (due to the width of his cleft), I do not want to risk any fistulas by jumping the gun food wise. And of course this is better than another palate surgery. But it is going to be a long 10 more days watching my little guy want to eat table food and not being able to let him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa. Just wondering. Can Caleb eat? I mean, when Matthew had his surgery, after him losing 5 pounds right off the bat (which he COULD NOT afford to lose), the doctors told me to feed him very soft foods like puddings, pediasure, very soft scrambled eggs, stuff like that. I never put a spoon in his mouth per se, just kinda "dropped" the food into his mouth. Worked wonderfully! Kept him from losing weight too!!! Just a thought for you. We had to stay on liquid stuff for at least 4 days though. After that? The soft stuff started. Smoothie's? Tried that? We did strawberry and banana smoothies.....or ice cream smoothies.

Just trying to think of more things for your little one to eat. To get over this hump!! (which as a mom is a HARD hump to get over when you KNOW your child is hungry but you can't feed him things you normally would) *sigh*
