Sunday, May 17, 2009

In the Air!

Ken is on his first flight from Nairobi to London and will return home tomorrow afternoon our time. He had an amazing trip but we are all ready for him to be home. The kids and I had melt down Friday night - fishing a dead bunny out of the pool skimmer didn't help much (no it wasn't one of ours - one of the wild bunnies in the yard). My appreciation for those of you whose husbands are deployed has grown tremendously!! Hopefully in the next few days we'll be able to download Ken's pictures and he can add a few posts along the way (shock, gasp!).
Thanks again for all the prayers. We have survived :)


Kelley said...

Still not totally sure I understand why he went, but glad it was a great trip! And that he's coming home. The coming home part is the best - as I told a friend today, there's nothing sweeter than having all of your family under one roof.

Wright,Rhonda and Amber said...

I understand why he went & I know what he is feeling as I felt the same thing in Russia just after the fall of communism there. I would love to hear more!