Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Slow Crescendo

I have this little excited ache in my heart. I know this feeling is not a new one. I've felt it before, 4 times actually. It is that longing to hold my child. There are days that I can put a lid on it and keep it at bay. But as the days move on, as that huge to do list gets chipped away, as I watch others who are in line just before me get ready to go, that ache is getting harder to ignore. I find myself imagining another little face at the dinner table, another stocking hanging at the fireplace and I look at that Baby Bjorn carrier and imagine cuddling with a little boy. I can't wait to find out what makes him smile, what makes him mad, how he will fit into the fabric of our family. It doesn't matter that he is my fifth child. That ache is just as intense for him as it has been for his siblings. He is my son and I can't wait until he knows that!
So, the crescendo slowly grows. I am thankful that we have a jammed packed summer - maybe it will help me keep a lid on this craziness (but probably not : ) ).

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